Mail Merge Data String (Single Doc)

This action will be deprecated soon. Please use the Generate Document action for generating documents.

Use this action to generate a document by merging a template file with text containing data. The template can be in word, containing mail merge fields, or PDF containing form fields. This action helps in generating only a single document.

The text can be in JSON format.


FileBuffer, Required

Map the PDF file from the source action

Merge DataJSON, Required

Text containing dynamic data values for merging with the template

In this step, we map template file data and prepared data strings with PDF4me mail merge action. The data string is assigned with the string function as mentioned below.

Sample JSON Structure (List Array):

  ["FieldName1", "FieldName2", "FieldName3"],
  ["FieldValue1", "FieldValue2", "FieldValue3"],
  ["FieldValue4", "FieldValue5", "FieldValue6"]

json array


Sample JSON Structure (List Object):
json array


DataListString – It’s a declared variable that contains list items in a prepared format.



The name of the output file.

Doc DataBuffer

The output document is in Base64 format.