Generate Documents

Dynamically Generate documents using the PDF4me Generate Documents action for Make . Use Word or HTML templates using mustache syntax or merge fields as the source. The data sources can be JSON or XML.

generate document using Pdf4megenerate document using pdf4me


File NameString, Required

The name of the PDF file

DocumentBuffer, Required

Word/Html template for generating documents

Template TypeEnum, Required
  • Word
  • Html
Output TypeEnum, Required

Generated document type

  • Pdf
  • Word
  • Excel
Input Data TypeEnum, Required

Data type of the template data

  • Json
  • Xml
Input DataString, Required

JSON / Xml data

Meta DataString (Optional)

JSON string User can specify fields that need some format.

Eg: Date

{        “FieldsMetaData”:[{“FieldName”:“dueDate”,“FieldType”:2,“FieldFormat”:“yyyyMMdd”}] }

Here FiledType is an enum having the below values

CheckBox = 0,
Html = 1,
DateTime = 2



The name of the output file

Doc DataBuffer

Generated document

Generate Documents module in Make