
Split PDF by Text

Split your PDF documents by searching for a specific phrase inside the text content. Use the text you probably think is unique for identifying the page at which the document needs to be split. Create Zaps to automate this using the Split BY Text action.



Map the PDF File to be split using the Specific Text. The file should always be PDF. A URL containing a file can also be passed as a parameter.

File NameString

You can specify a file name. Otherwise, the name will be picked from the File field. This field will be set as the file name for the output file.

Split TextString

Specify the text to filter & split

Split Type

Choose the way split should occur.

  • Before the Text
  • After the Text
  • Remove the page containing the Text



Zip file that contains split document

File NameString

File name of the file in File field without extension

Full File NameString

File name of the file in File field with extension

File ExtensionString

File extension

Split PDF by Text action in Zapier